Heart and Soul Mini Dachshunds in Virginia
Puppy Sales Contract
Heart & Soul Mini Doxies
Beth Taylor (757) 617-4766
Email- heartandsouldoxies@gmail.com
Thank you for the purchase of your new family member from us and we welcome you into our dachshund family. We are including our health guarantee for your information and peace of mind. We have raised all our dachshunds with love and care. We want you to enjoy them and love them as we have.
SEX: M / F
DATE OF BIRTH:_______________ PRICE:______________
Full or Limited Deposit:___________ Balance:____________
BREEDER guarantees that the above dog is purebred and if dog comes with papers the dog is registered with American Kennel Club (AKC).
BREEDER cannot guarantee adult size, color, hair coat, temperament or train ability of puppy.
BREEDER does not assume any liability for any injury, or neglect to said puppy after delivery.
BREEDER warrants that this puppy has been wormed and vaccinated in accordance to its age, and both parties agree that it appears apparently healthy at this time. Heart & Soul Mini Doxies does NOT vaccinate against Lepto! It is not a prevalent disease in this area and is known to cause serious side effects/reactions in small breeds. Please refrain from using vaccines containing Lepto in ANY future Vaccinations this puppy will be given. Buyer realizes that the purchase of a live animal carries with it the risk of said puppy contracting various vermin, bacteria, or viruses that are not in the control of either seller or buyer. Beyond the 3 day health guarantee, the seller offers NO GUARANTEE ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE.
This guarantee does NOT include hair loss due to alopecia in dilute colored dogs (Isabella & Blues) as this can happen at any stage of their life. It is a genetic skin condition in Dachshunds and a few other breeds. It causes permanent hair loss, resulting in a patchy appearance. It affects the hair follicles low beneath the skin and is primarily a cosmetic issue. We like to keep our families informed and let you know of this condition, but as hard as we try not to have alopecia in our lines, we cannot guarantee it with these 2 colors. There is no DNA test for CDA to be able to confirm if any of our dilute carrying adults carry it there for, we cannot guarantee it in anytime of our puppy’s lives.
By Signing this Contract Buyer Agrees to all terms listed below / if the puppy a male, he is to be Neutered by 6 months of age. If puppy is a female, she is to be Spayed by the age of 1 year of age. (Unless puppy has been sold for breeding/ show purposes, and full registration is marked above.) BUYER agrees to have puppy examined by a veterinarian within 3 days of delivery. IF, after examination by veterinarian acceptable to both parties, the puppy is determined to be IN POOR HEALTH. Puppy MAY BE RETURNED to the seller WITH A WRITTEN REPORT FROM THE VETERINARIAN. The seller will replace the puppy with another puppy as soon as one is available of the same sex and value. NO CASH REFUNDS. REPLACEMENT ONLY. At no time will the seller be responsible for any vet fees incurred.
BUYER agrees This puppy is sold with a 1 yr. Guarantee against hereditary diseases. IF, after examination by a veterinarian acceptable to both parties, the puppy is determined to have a disease, Puppy may be returned to the seller, (at the buyers expense) along with all paperwork and exchange for another puppy of same value. Or keep the dog and all expenses that are incurred with it.
Buyer needs to be aware that a puppy is a baby and that sometimes may get sick due to stress or other related reasons. He is leaving our home and is entering a new environment and stress related sicknesses may occur. We try our best for a happy healthy puppy. Proper care is a must. Buyer agrees to furnish proper care of quality food, water, shelter and veterinarian care for the life of the canine. Buyer Agrees to notify Heart & Soul Mini Doxies if he/ she is unable to care or keep the canine at any time in life. The breeder is given the first option to take canine back or find it a good home. No money will be refunded. Do not take the canine to the animal shelter.
Buyer Agrees to notify Heart & Soul Mini Doxies if he/ she is unable to care or keep the canine at any time of its life. The breeder is given the first option to take canine back or find a good home. No money will be refunded. Do not take the canine to the animal shelter. BUT the SELLER WILL AT NO TIME RETURN ANY PART OF PURCHASE PRICE PAID—once puppy leaves sellers property ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
BREEDER microchips all puppies with AKC Reunite INDI microchips. During or After pickup, BUYER MUST register Microchip with AKCReunite.com. This Life time registration of Mircochip will be an additional $19.50 if done on their website. New owner's information will be primary contact along with an Alternative contact and their Veterinarian as a third contact. This is VERY IMPORTANT in order to protect your puppy in any emergency and if he/she is ever unaccounted for.
If you have read this Thoroughly and agree a $200.00 non- refundable deposit will be required to hold the puppy.
LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT: Signed and dated this ______day of________ 20___.
BREEDERS SIGNATURE X_______________________
BUYERS SIGNATURE X________________________
Enjoy your new puppy! Please feel free to call me if there are any problems or if you just have a question!
Beth Taylor