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 Price list

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Our Pricing

*I have the right to first pick of all upcoming litters!*

Black & Tan & Red.......................................................................................................................$1200

Chocolate & Tan.............................................................................................................................$1400

Dapple Black & Tan, Chocolate & Tan.....................................................................$1600

Blue & Tan, Isabella & Tan.................................................................................................$1600

Dapple Blue & Tan, Isabella & Tan.............................................................................$1700

Piebald Black & Tan, Chocolate & Tan....................................................................$1500

Piebald Blue & Tan, Isabella & Tan............................................................................$1700

Dapple Piebald Black & Tan, Chocolate & Tan................................................$1600

Dapple Piebald Blue & Tan, Isabella & Tan........................................................$1700

Solid Black & Solid Chocolate.............................................................................................$1600

Red Brindle...........................................................................................................................................$1300

Black & Cream..................................................................................................................................$1500

Chocolate & Cream.......................................................................................................................$1700

Dapple Black & Cream.....................................................;........................................................$1700

Dapple Chocolate & Cream...................................................................................................$1900

Blue & Cream, Isabella & Cream....................................................................................$1900

Dapple Blue & Cream, Isabella &Cream................................................................$2000

Piebald Black & Cream, Chocolate & Cream.......................................................$1800

Piebald Blue & Cream, Isabella & Cream.............................................................$2000

Dapple Piebald Black & Cream.......................................................................................$2000

Dapple Piebald Chocolate & Cream...........................................................................$2000

Dapple Piebald Blue & Cream, Isabella & Cream........................................$2100

Shaded Cream...................................................................................................................................$1700

ee Cream.................................................................................................................................................$1700

Cream Dapple....................................................................................................................................$1700

Cream Piebald...................................................................................................................................$1800

Cream Dapple Piebald...............................................................................................................$1900

Cream Brindle....................................................................................................................................$1800

If you are seriously interested in one of our puppies, please contact us to get a puppy application!  We take the adoption of our babies very seriously and want each and everyone of them placed in the perfect forever home!

**Dilute colors which are blue (dilute of black) and Isabella (dilute of chocolate) are so beautiful but unfortunately they can develop a condition called Alopecia (CDA).  It is a genetic skin condition in Dachshunds and a few other breeds. It causes permanent hair loss, resulting in a patchy appearance.  It affects the hair follicle low below the skin.  This is primarily a cosmetic issue and can occur at any stage of the dogs life.  We like to keep our families informed and let you know as hard as we try not to have Alopecia in our lines, we can never guarantee it with these two colors. There is no DNA test available to test for CDA in this breed.  Most breeders will not disclose this!


These prices are listed for pet ONLY, no papers. We do not sell our puppies to other Breeders since we want our puppies in loving forever pet homes.  Most of our adults are AKC registered, with a couple that are CKC registered.


Furthermore, Heart & Soul Mini Doxies reserves the right to return the deposit on any reserved puppy at our discretion if we deem it necessary.

All Puppies will already come with being well loved and spoiled rotten, a 1 yr health guarantee against any **life threatening** or genetic disease/illness, micro-chipped (Not including a one time Registration Fee of $17.50 for life of chip through AKCReunite), dewclaws removed if stated, first set of shots, vet health checked, appropriately dewormed,  given coccidia/giardia prevention and a small care package!

Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved. This web-site is owned and maintained by Beth Taylor. No part of this site including photographs, contracts, etc. may  be copied or reproduced without the owners permission. If you violate this copyright you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. 
This does not include graphics.

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